Our Approach

Strategic Marketing - Albany NY

Unlocking Strategic Growth Through Expert Leadership

At CMO For Hire, we provide strategic brand and marketing consulting services to organizations lacking in-house senior-level marketing expertise. Access the solutions you need for short-term or long-term initiatives, from targeted market campaigns to brand development and strategic marketing planning.

Whether you need to fill temporary gaps in your organization or elevate your marketing performance, we are your trusted partner on this journey. Ignite your brand, develop a powerful strategy, and achieve impactful results.



We become part of your team to guide you through building your strategy. Together, we follow a four-phase process:

Phase 1: Discover – Assessment & Key Findings

We review the existing business and marketing performance. This involves conducting a comprehensive audit of all current plans, tactics, and performance metrics, interviewing key stakeholders, including clients, and analyzing the competition.

Phase 2: Build – Strategy & Recommendations

We engage in broad, strategic thinking to clarify your vision, pinpoint key areas of focus, and formulate specific goals and action plans. This phase also includes conducting market research and identifying opportunities.

Phase 3: Execute – Marketing & Business Development Plan

We develop tactical plans complete with budgets, schedules, and key performance indicators (KPIs). This may entail crafting brand messages, refining visual identities, creating new collateral, updating websites, implementing PR strategies, and deploying communication tactics. Additionally, we provide guidance and coaching to internal marketing staff and/or external consultants to execute the tactical plan effectively.

Phase 4:  Achieve – Track & Measure

We systematically measure and communicate results. This involves conducting regular milestone evaluations to ascertain whether the desired results are being achieved or if adjustments to tactics and approaches are required.