Tag: Articles

Posted onSeptember 20, 2020
Recently the SBA has updated its web page to reorganize their PPP Forgiveness FAQ’s section so that it is broken down into sections listed below
Posted onSeptember 20, 2020
On August 29, the U.S. Department of the Treasury released Notice 2020-65 in response to President Trump’s executive order allowing employers to defer the employee share of Social Security tax (6.2%) withheld from September 1 through December 31, 2010. 
Posted onAugust 6, 2020
In prior blog posts, we have discussed the Benefits of Outsourcing, the Economics of Outsourcing, and Metrics that Matter. In and through these blogs, we have articulated a rationale for utilizing outsourcing – specifically accounting and finance – within an organization.
Posted onAugust 5, 2020
The economic fallout from the COVID-19 crisis will cause many rental real estate properties to run up tax losses in 2020 — and possibly beyond. Here's a summary of important federal income tax rules for such losses.
Posted onJuly 22, 2020
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused difficulties for millions of businesses — from family-owned restaurants and niche manufacturers to multinational airlines and oil companies.
Posted onJuly 10, 2020
Questions from employers and employees about coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic are multiplying almost as fast as the virus itself. Employers need to rely on a combination of authoritative legal and medical advice, and their own common sense, to keep employees safe.
Posted onJuly 8, 2020
In this article, we will explore the potential cost savings that an organization may realize through outsourcing. The economic argument to consider outsourcing is quite compelling.
Posted onJune 19, 2020
Webster’s Dictionary defines metrics as standards of measurement and, while these are fundamentally quantitative in nature, metrics can also be viewed as pieces and parts of a story.  In this article, we will discuss why metrics matter and how they play an important role in the story of a business.
Posted onMay 28, 2020
Outsourcing - put simply - is looking outside of your organization for expertise. Organizations will often bring in external resources for knowledge in areas such as finance, law, HR, or payroll.
Posted onMay 21, 2020
Pandemics on the scale of the current COVID-19 crisis don’t come along very often. But the damage they cause is almost impossible to escape.